Forbidden Saints Live

September 13, 2012


Instructor postcard, FOH-Live Audio Engineered a GIG for the talented group, FORBIDDEN SAINTS, who’s performances have impacted music; with unforgettable names, movies, and concerts. Each member has come to deliver to the audiences beautiful compositions like never before.


Beautiful original medleys of sound with influences from all over the world and unite on one stage, thoroughly impressing their audience.


“They are some of the most talented group of musicians in the world.” – Anonymous Fan

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[li]MML, FOH, Senior Audio Engineer/Instructors teach, train and instruct audio students to be proficient, Live Audio Engineers + Mixers in 8-student classrooms. All instructors are actively scheduled Live Sound Engineers world-wide, contracted to engineer for today’s biggest artists.[/li]


[li]We provide a semi-private, hands-on in-class console instruction time during our comprehensive 248-hour, rigorous live sound engineer education. [/li]


[li]Student learning, teaching and practice extends beyond the classroom, to various Las Vegas showrooms, and/or, sound companies in the form of, additional hours in Student Intern Lab assignments. [/li]


[li]Out instruction is arranged for students to actively participate as a live audio aide at sound checks, venue set-ups, or rehearsals accompanied by their instructor to support using learned skills throughout the 20-week course. [/li]


Contact us and/or give us a call at (702) 947-0877 with any questions you may have.