Our accelerated live audio curriculum was designed with express focus for students to have maximum hands-on console teaching time to learn, and master the skills needed to become a proficient Live Audio Engineer. Which is one more reason we limit our class size to 4 students per one week session.
Our class size supports students grasping, learning and applying daily instruction to increase each students hands-on familiarity using today’s most up-to-date live audio gear, to elevate their knowledge, confidence and, to improve their proficiency in our semi private class setting.
Each student will earn his/her venue pro users certificate as part of the 10 week program.
"Week 5- Line Array Speaker Systems -vs- Horn Loaded Systems"
• Line array speaker system principals
• Horn loaded speaker system principals
• Monitor wedges
"Week 5- Sound System Preparation and Alignment"
• Analyzing venue dimensions with Easy Focus software
• Flying or ground stacking the sound system
• Speaker system component balancing and equalizing the venue
"Week 6- Compressor and Noise Gate Techniques and Uses"
• The uses of compressors and noise gates
• Setting levels
• Getting the desired effect
"Week 6- Digital & Analog Effects Processing Techniques and Uses"
• What is ""Reverb" and its uses
• What is digital "Delay" and its uses
• Delay charts and time -vs- distance measurements
"Week 7 - Microphone and D.I. Brands/Microphone Placement"
• Discussion on mic types and what they are best used for
• Wireless microphone - "guitar" and "in ear" monitoring systems
• Wireless frequency analysis of systems & techniques
• Discussion on D.I. types and there uses
"Week 7- Electricity Laws & Principal"
• Single phase power -vs- Three phase power
• 120 volts -vs- 240 volts
• Metering power
• Power distribution systems
"Week 8- Front of House (FOH) Mixing"
• Small club, theater and large arena mixing techniques[/li]
• Mixing vocals, drums, percussion's, horns, guitars, acoustic piano and large,
orchestras for live performance
"Week 8- Monitor System Mixing"
• Equalizing monitor wedges and side fill speakers
• Monitor wedge mixing
• In Ear system mixing
"Weeks 9 & 10-Live Show Mixing Techniques"
• Making input list and stage plots
• Setting and patching up the band and vocal mics
• Sound checking the band
• Mixing the show!
• Intro To Dolby Atmos Live Mixing Technics