Becoming a ((( LIVE ))) Sound Engineer

September 2, 2012

MML Instructors’ NOTES: Getting a Job as a Live Sound Engineer

So, you are passionate about music, but do not want to be in a band, then you may have thought about becoming a ((( live ))) sound engineer.

Essentially there are two types of sound engineers; those that work in recording studios making recordings for commercial release and, those that work live, engineering the sound for performing musicians, bands, speakers, and theater artists performers in a live audience setting.

Live Sound Engineering + Mixing is exclusively what is taught at Master Mix Live. Every Instructor at Master Mix Live is a world-class, Front of House-Senior Live Audio Engineers, or, a Senior Live Broadcast Audio Engineer . All are actively-scheduled to engineer at venues for some of the worlds top performers.

The short article below, from the UK, demonstrates how a sound engineering position might be found without the benefit of a professional, industry-trained Live Audio Engineering instruction, and a Certificate of Competition.

“Firstly there are many options available to you but depending on where about in the country you live will depend on how far you will have to travel to find [a job]. With regards to finding employment then it is worth looking at all the places where sound engineers are needed.

For example, at the local pub scene in your area. Find out which ones have live music and see if any have their own in house PA system, and need a sound engineer to mix once a week. Very often you won’t get paid much or if you do it might simply be a couple of free beers but it is a great way to start out and get some practice in. Sound engineering isn’t just about live bands as also theaters and amateur dramatic groups need sound engineers as well as some churches so again check out these areas. You can call the stages, or lists of theaters and venue employment opportunities.

The website is”


MASTER MIX ((( LIVE ))) Students are trained and prepared to be proficient A1, or A2 live audio engineers –  With industry instruction by world class Senior Live Audio Engineers.


20-weeks, 8 Students per Class, Showroom or, Sound Company Intern Labs.
248-Hour Certificate of Completion
ASK FOR Enrollment information: SPRING 2013 Semester.

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